Burnet Institute

The Burnet Institute, an Australian not-for-profit, independent non-government organisation, aims to achieve better health for poor and vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas through medical research, education and public health. As at 2011, the institute was home to more than 450 medical researchers, working across six main themes of infectious diseases, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, alcohol other drugs and harm reduction, immunity, vaccines and immunisation, and the health of young people - all these are covered through four Centres: Virology, Immunology, International Health and Population Health. With a head office located in Commercial Road, Prahran, Victoria, the institute delivers public health programs across four continents including Africa, Oceania, and Asia. Burnet Institute has particular expertise in infectious diseases (especially HIV, hepatitis viruses, influenza and malaria) and in understanding the immune responses to these infections. Their work also focuses on sexual health, drug and alcohol use, both in risky behaviours associated with infectious diseases and as major health problems in their own right.


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Medical research

Antibody's hidden impact in combating malaria revealed

A major collaborative study led by Burnet Institute researchers has revealed a particular antibody to be far more influential in combating malaria than previously understood, with important implications for the development ...

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