Page 13 - Cell Press


Self-organizing human heart organoids

Biologist Sasha Mendjan at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and his team have used human pluripotent stem cells to grow sesame-seed-sized heart models, called cardioids, that spontaneously self-organize to develop ...


Stress slows the immune response in sick mice

The neurotransmitter noradrenaline, which plays a key role in the fight-or-flight stress response, impairs immune responses by inhibiting the movements of various white blood cells in different tissues, researchers report ...


How the gut microbiota develops in the first five years of life

The human gut microbiota largely reaches an adult-like composition by five years of age, but important differences remain, finds a study published on March 31st in the journal Cell Host & Microbe. Several bacterial taxa that ...

Medical research

Astrocytes derived from patients with bipolar disorder malfunction

Brain cells called astrocytes derived from the induced pluripotent stem cells of patients with bipolar disorder offer suboptimal support for neuronal activity. In a paper appearing March 4th in the journal Stem Cell Reports, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study details N439K variant of SARS-CoV-2

An international team of researchers has characterized the effect and molecular mechanisms of an amino acid change in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein N439K. Viruses with this mutation are both common and rapidly spreading around ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Using wearable activity trackers to distinguish COVID-19 from flu

By analyzing Fitbit data and self-reported symptoms, researchers from Evidation Health and collaborators analyzed trends in heart rate, step count, and symptom duration between patients with flu and those with COVID-19. While ...

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