Page 7 - CNRS


How allergens trigger asthma attacks

A team of Inserm and CNRS researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology have identified a protein that acts like a sensor detecting allergens in the respiratory tract that are responsible for asthma ...


A new solution for chronic pain

Neuropathic pain is a chronic condition affecting 7 to 10 percent the population in France, and for which there is no effective treatment. Researchers at the Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (INSERM/Université ...

Oncology & Cancer

In the eye of the medulloblastoma

Can genes normally expressed only in the eye be activated in brain tumours? The phenomenon, though surprising, has been observed in certain types of medulloblastoma, paediatric tumours of the cerebellum. Researchers from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dyslexia—when spelling problems impair writing acquisition

Dyslexia is a reading disorder that affects the ability to adopt the automatic reflexes needed to read and write. Several studies have sought to identify the source of the problems experienced by individuals with dyslexia ...


Memory—recognizing images seen briefly ten years previously

Recalling the names of old classmates 50 years after graduation or of favorite childhood television series illustrates the amazing abilities of human memory. Emotion and repeated exposure are both known to play a role in ...


Discovery of a new mechanism for controlling memory

Researchers in Bordeaux recently discovered a new mechanism for storing information in synapses and a means of controlling the storage process. The breakthrough moves science closer to unveiling the mystery of the molecular ...

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