Page 5 - Columbia University Irving Medical Center


Baby neurons in adult brains are needed to maintain memory: Study

A quarter-century ago, researchers discovered that adults, not just developing infants, can generate new brain cells, a process called neurogenesis. But it's still not clear what role these new neurons play in health or disease.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

Ask any neurologist: Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder. The conspicuous symptoms of Parkinson's disease—uncontrollable tremors, slowed down motions, and the feeling that one's feet are stuck to the ground—all stem ...


How to stop bug bites from itching

Itching, stinging, and swelling really take the fun out of being outdoors and opening windows in the summer. Most bug bites (usually from mosquitoes) stop itching after a day or two. Others can leave you or your child with ...


Adults can develop scoliosis too

Maybe you remember being screened for scoliosis in school. Or your own child has been treated to straighten a curving spine. But scoliosis is not restricted to children and adolescents; adults can develop scoliosis too.


Common blood thinner may double as cancer therapy

Warfarin, a widely used blood thinner, appears to have potent anti-cancer properties, according to a study by Columbia University researchers. The study, conducted in human cells and in mice, found that warfarin stops tumors ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover how malignant melanoma eludes immune cells

Malignant melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer, deploys an elegant molecular mechanism to evade natural immune responses and the therapies intended to boost them, according to new work led by scientists at the Herbert ...

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