Page 6 - Columbia University Irving Medical Center


Heatstroke in kids: What to watch for and know

Running, jumping, lounging in the sun, waiting in a car: The ways to heat up when the weather is hot are endless. When days are cold, we look forward to summer, but feeling the heat can be too much for your health, especially ...


Does living in a loud city hurt your hearing?

Living in a city can be exciting for the cultural institutions, events, and attractions, but all that fun can take a toll on your ears. The sound of city life can be so loud that it damages the hair cells in the inner ear, ...


New research shows babies' immunological weak spot and strength

A pair of new studies led by researchers at Columbia University explains why babies get so many common respiratory infections and identifies a specialized cluster of immune cells found only in babies that help them better ...


Could drops replace eye injections for retina disease?

A new study suggests that eye drops developed by Columbia University researchers could be a more effective–and comfortable–therapy for a common eye disease currently treated with injections into the eye.


How heart failure leads to cognitive decline

Heart failure may lead to cognitive decline by creating a tiny calcium leak inside the brain's neurons, according to a new study published in Nature Neuroscience by researchers at Columbia University. The finding could open ...


Sipping is terrible for your teeth

If you think sugar, soda, and sticky sweets are bad for your teeth, you're right. But there's something even worse: sipping.

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