Page 26 - CORDIS

Medical research

Neutralising antibodies for safer organ transplants

Serious complications can arise following kidney transplants. If dialysis is required within the first seven days, then the transplanted organ is said to have a Delayed Graft Function (DGF), and essentially been rejected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New blood test may help diagnose depression

The World Health Organisation has determined that depressive disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. The recurrent and chronic forms of depression account for the bulk of the problem.


Mind over matter for people with disabilities

People with serious physical disabilities are unable to do the everyday things that most of us take for granted despite having the will – and the brainpower – to do so. This is changing thanks to European projects such ...

Oncology & Cancer

Ascertaining low-dose radiation impact on the heart

We are all exposed to radiations. Such exposure can be harmless at very low doses but damage our health above certain thresholds. But what happens in between is more difficult to predict. The PROCARDIO project is casting ...


Home-based rehabilitation for CVD patients

Patients who are found to suffer from cardiovascular diseases often have long years of treatment ahead of them and are urged to drastically change their lifestyle. But what is probably the most difficult part of the process ...

Medical research

New stem cell therapy for ischaemic heart disease

An EU-funded project is looking into 'Cardiac stem cells' (CSCs) to tackle the problem of chronic heart failure in Europe. Whilst previous research has concentrated on cells from the patients themselves, the CARE-MI team ...

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