Page 25 - CORDIS

Diagnosing infectious diseases at the point-of-care

A major problem with current testing for infectious diseases in Africa is that it focuses on individual diseases and cannot reliably discriminate between them. Since most infectious diseases have the same feverish symptoms, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Improving cancer treatment through better imaging technologies

Since January 2014, the HELICOID project has been developing hyperspectral imaging technologies capable of differentiating between healthy and diseased tissues. The February 2015 meeting in Brussels enabled project partners ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Tackling Parkinson's with targeted therapeutic vaccines

Clinical trials are about to begin on a new Parkinson's disease vaccine that could offer patients significant improvements over current treatments. The vaccine, developed through the FP7-funded SYMPATH project, may actually ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Improved risk communication during infectious disease crises

As cases of the Ebola disease emerge in Europe, the crisis is gaining increasing levels of media coverage. Certain types of coverage can foster fear and stigmatisation which leads to harmful consequences for the individuals, ...

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