Page 36 - CORDIS


Scientists tackle Huntington's disease by targeting mutant gene

Huntington's disease is an inherited, neurodegenerative disorder that usually appears in mid-adult life and leads to uncoordinated body movements and cognitive decline. The disease is due to multiple repetitions of a deoxyribonucleic ...


Scientists develop sophisticated HIV detection test

(Medical Xpress)—Two researchers funded by the EU have succeeded in developing and testing a state-of-the-art HIV detection test. The Imperial College London, United Kingdom duo says the test is 10 times more sensitive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Acupuncture may relieve dry mouth, study finds

Patients diagnosed with cancer of the head and neck are treated with radiation, which damages their salivary glands, and in turn causes xerostomia, what experts call dry mouth. New research from the United Kingdom suggests ...


Scientists investigate genetics of HIV-1 resistance

Investigating the genetic footprint that drug resistance causes in HIV, researchers in Europe have discovered that compensatory polymorphisms enable resistant viruses to survive. Presented in the journal Retrovirology, the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fighting phobias involves creation of 'competing' memories

Most people have a fear of something but for 1 in 10 people, fear can turn into a phobia. The most common phobias being a fear of spiders, snakes, heights, the dark, being in crowds or tight spaces, animals and people. Then ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Immune dysfunction possibly linked to schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex illness; among other characteristics, sufferers often find it difficult to tell the difference between what is real and not real and have trouble thinking clearly. Its symptoms could develop over ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding the origins of infant leukaemia

Leukaemia arises as a result of genetic or epigenetic alterations in blood cells, leading to an aberrant accumulation of undifferentiated blasts. Understanding the molecular pathogenesis and aetiology of infant leukaemia ...

Oncology & Cancer

New imaging process provides better picture of tumours

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in Europe and the world, and early detection and treatment remains vital in the fight. Researchers in Norway have validated a method of non-invasive imaging that they believe ...

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