Page 7 - CORDIS


A Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil may protect your bones

New research suggests that a key ingredient to keeping osteoporosis in check may be found in the traditional Mediterranean diet—olive oil. Osteoporosis is a disease where the density and quality of bone is progressively ...


Volume of grey matter may predict degree of altruism

What makes a person altruistic? Philosophers throughout the ages often pondered the question but failed to get concrete answers. New research from the University of Zurich in Switzerland shows that the answer may lie in our ...


The skeletal muscle inflammation enigma

Exercise is associated with skeletal muscle inflammation, yet physical activity has beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes (T2D). Recent EU research has looked at the molecules that result in this contradiction.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Genetic studies and MRI scans shed light on low back pain

By delving into the mysteries of low back pain, scientists have identified three genes linked to chronic back pain and proposed the order in which pathological changes to the spine lead to low back pain.

Attention deficit disorders

The ADHD brain retrained

The cost of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be as high as EUR 7,000 per patient per year in the United Kingdom and some 4 million children suffer from the disorder in Europe. NEWROFEED has developed a ...

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