Page 6 - CORDIS

Medical research

Molecular mechanisms and methods used to detect COVID-19 infection

Molecular mechanism of infection in cells: The cellular entry of coronaviruses depends on the binding of proteins with viral spicules (S) to the cellular receptors and the priming of the S protein by the host cell proteases. ...


Understanding how our brain perceives space

European scientists looked into the cellular properties of neurons responsible for space coordination. Insight into the neuronal network of the entorhinal cortex will help understand what determines space and movement perception, ...

Medical research

Uncovering how air pollution causes lung cancer

Cigarette smoking is the No. 1 risk factor for lung cancer. Exposure to second-hand smoke can also increase the risk of lung cancer. This is what scientists have known for a long time. What they did not know until now is ...

Medical research

Stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury

Stem cells are considered promising agents for the recovery of spinal cord injuries. European scientists explore their abilities and plan future therapeutic strategies.


A better understanding of how ALS spreads

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? The social media campaign that had everyone from celebrities to politicians dumping buckets of icy water over their heads? Behind the viral videos that saturated our social media feeds was ...

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