Page 3 - Drexel University


Reading the minds of pilots on the fly

After a plane engine blew apart at 32,000 feet in the air last month, the pilot flying Southwest Flight 1380 safely brought the Boeing 737 to an emergency landing in Philadelphia. Captain Tammie Jo Shults was heralded a hero, ...

Medical research

Researchers uncover new instruction manual to repair broken DNA

Drexel University and Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have discovered how the Rad52 protein is a crucial player in RNA-dependent DNA repair. The results of their study, published today in Molecular Cell, reveal ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Chemicals banned decades ago linked to increased autism risk today

Chemicals used in certain pesticides and as insulating material banned in the 1970s may still be haunting us, according to new research that suggests links between higher levels of exposure during pregnancy and significantly ...


Researchers measure how our brain reacts to Google Glass

"Smart" eyewear—that can integrate augmented reality with your own, feed you live information about your surroundings and even be used in the operating room—is no longer the stuff of science fiction.

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