Page 4 - Drexel University


Researchers explore epigenetic influences of chronic pain

Chronic pain is one of the most prevalent, disabling and expensive public health crises in the United States. It affects more than 100 million Americans, with annual costs estimated at $635 billion, says a 2014 report from ...


Removing race from human genetic research

A group of scientists are urging their colleagues to take a step forward and stop using racial categories when researching and studying human genetics.


The stomach is the way to a woman's heart, too

You've heard that romance starts in the kitchen and not in the bedroom. Well, researchers at Drexel University finally have the science to support that saying - but not the way you might think.


Mapping language in the brain

The exchange of words, speaking and listening in conversation, may seem unremarkable for most people, but communicating with others is a challenge for people who have aphasia, an impairment of language that often happens ...

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