Page 10 - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft


Telemedicine for patients with chronic liver diseases

Although telemedicine could improve the quality of life of patients with chronic liver diseases, viable home care systems are still lacking. Scientists working on the EU-project "d-LIVER" mean to remedy this situation. Initial ...

Inflammatory disorders

New drugs to combat asthma and the like

Science and industry are collaborating to develop future pharmaceuticals for treating chronic inflammatory diseases. The medicines will combat immunological processes that have gone wrong.

Oncology & Cancer

Artificial lung the size of a sugar cube

What medications can be used to treat lung cancer, and how effective are they? Until now, drug companies have had to rely on animal testing to find out. But in the future, a new 3D model lung is set to achieve more precise ...


Hope for paraplegic patients

People with severe injuries to their spinal cord currently have no prospect of recovery and remain confined to their wheelchairs. Now, all that could change with a new treatment that stimulates the spinal cord using electric ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Early warning system for epidemics

The environment has an impact on our health. Preventing epidemics relies on activating the right counter-measures, and scientists are now trying to find out how better use of forecasting can help. The EU's EO2HEAVEN project ...

Medical research

Sweat glands heal injuries

Our body's sweat glands are a source of stem cells particularly suited to healing wounds – stem cells that form new skin cells and manage the healing process. They are not rejected by the body and can be obtained without ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Treating chronic kidney disease using clay minerals

Clay has healing powers. This natural product is destined to help treat chronic kidney disease: a well-tolerated agent based on clay minerals lowers patients' excessive phosphate levels.

Medical research

Hydrocephalus: sensors monitor cerebral pressure

If the pressure in a patient's brain is too high, physicians implant a system in the head that regulates the pressure. A sensor can now measure and individually adjust brain pressure. The sensor system is approved for use ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarkers improve prostate cancer diagnostics

New biomarkers will improve diagnostics of endemic diseases in future, such as prostate cancer. Their mission: to recognize the tumor earlier and classify it more precisely – thereby helping avoid unnecessary operations.

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