Page 2 - Garvan Institute of Medical Research


Research pinpoints rogue cells at root of autoimmune disease

There are more than 100 different autoimmune diseases. But what unites them all is that they arise from an individual's own cells—rare and mysterious immune cells that target not external viruses and bacteria but the body's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Revealed: How cancer develops resistance to treatment

Cancer cells can turn on error-prone DNA copy pathways to adapt to cancer treatment, a breakthrough study published in the journal Science has revealed. Bacteria use the same process, termed stress-induced mutagenesis, to ...


Ancient epigenetic changes silence cancer-linked genes

An epigenetic change, a form of DNA control, that deactivates some genes linked to cancer late in human development has been conserved for more than 400 million years, new research led by the Garvan Institute of Medical Research ...

Medical research

Collagen a key player in breast cancer metastasis

Collagen type XII plays a key role in regulating the organization of the tumor matrix, reveals a new study from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. A team of scientists led by Associate Professor Thomas Cox, Head of ...

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