Page 9 - Gladstone Institutes

Medical research

Growing human brain cells in the lab

Li Gan, PhD, wants to find treatments to help patients with Alzheimer's disease. Like most researchers, she's hit a few major roadblocks.

Medical research

On a quest to improve treatments for inflammatory bowel disease

Scientist Shomyseh Sanjabi, PhD, joined the Gladstone Institutes seven years ago, and she brought with her a special type of mice that develop inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Coincidentally, microbiome expert Katherine ...


Cancer drug can reactivate HIV

People living with HIV must take a combination of three or more different drugs every day for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, by following this strict treatment plan, they can suffer from side effects ranging from ...


Study reveals how to reprogram cells in our immune system

When the immune system is imbalanced, either due to overly-active cells or cells that suppress its function, it causes a wide range of diseases, from psoriasis to cancer. By manipulating the function of certain immune cells, ...

Medical research

Discovery offers new hope to repair spinal cord injuries

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes created a special type of neuron from human stem cells that could potentially repair spinal cord injuries. These cells, called V2a interneurons, transmit signals in the spinal cord to ...

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