Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland. HHMI was founded in 1953 and has flourished as the foremost benefactor for basic research in the areas of molecular biology, genetics, immunology and biomedical research. HHMI has a $17.5 billion dollar endowment and yearly awards around $450 million dollars to scientists in university labs involved in scientific pursuits that coincide with industrialists Howard Hughes' goal of discovering the “genesis of life itself”.

4000 Jones Bridge Road Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6789

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Decoding how brain circuits control behavior

The mouse brain contains roughly 80 million neurons, all packed into a space about the size of a hazelnut. Those cells come in a vast assortment of shapes and sizes, and their connections with one another number in the billions—at ...


How the immune system identifies invading bacteria

The body's homeland security unit is more thorough than any airport checkpoint. For the first time, scientists have witnessed a mouse immune system protein frisking a snippet of an invading bacterium. The inspection is far ...


Clock gene may connect mood and sleep

If you pull an all-nighter or stay up late to binge watch Game of Thrones, you will probably be grumpy the next day. But if you don't get enough sleep for weeks or months on end, you may develop depression or other lasting ...


Brain compass keeps flies on course, even in the dark

If you walk into a dark room, you can still find your way to the light switch. That's because your brain keeps track of landmarks and the direction in which you are moving. Fruit flies also boast an internal compass that ...


Quick getaway: How flies escape looming predators

When a fruit fly detects an approaching predator, it takes just a fraction of a second to launch itself into the air and soar gracefully to safety—but there's not always time for that. Some threats demand a quicker getaway, ...


A single DNA tweak leads to blond hair

A single-letter change in the genetic code is enough to generate blond hair in humans, in dramatic contrast to our dark-haired ancestors. A new analysis by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists has pinpointed ...

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