INRS is a French Institute competent in the area of occupational risk prevention: protecting workers' health and safety and preventing occupational accidents or diseases. Its missions include: anticipating needs (with studies and research programmes), raising awareness (via information products, prevention campaigns) and assistance (through technical guidance, information resources, training).


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Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Toward an early diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease

Despite all the research done on Alzheimer's, there is still no early diagnostic tool for the disease. By looking at the brain wave components of individuals with the disease, Professor Tiago H. Falk of INRS's Centre Énergie ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Protein mutation affects spread and virulence of respiratory virus

Quebec researchers have discovered that a mutation in a coronavirus protein slows the spread of the virus in the central nervous system and reduces its neurovirulence. It is the first time that this phenomenon has been observed ...