Page 14 - Lund University

Medical research

Intestinal barrier damage in multiple sclerosis

The present study investigates whether the function of the intestines is also attacked in MS. The results, obtained from a disease model of MS in mice, shows inflammation and changes in the barrier function of the intestines ...

Medical research

Half of inhaled diesel soot gets stuck in the lungs: study

The exhaust from diesel-fuelled vehicles, wood fires and coal-driven power stations contains small particles of soot that flow out into the atmosphere. The soot is a scourge for the climate but also for human health. Now ...


Damaged nerve behind athletes' post-concussion issues

Many professional athletes who have sustained head trauma in sports have lingering symptoms that affect everyday life, including depression, dizziness, difficulty focusing the gaze and balance problems. Little help has been ...


Stopping diabetes with insulin tablets

Type 1 diabetes is the autoimmune form of diabetes, in which the patients' insulin-producing beta cells are destroyed by their own immune system.

Medical research

Lingonberries halt effects of high-fat diet

Lingonberries almost completely prevented weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet, a study at Lund University in Sweden has found - whereas the 'super berry' açai led to increased weight gain. The Scandinavian berries also ...

Medical research

How blood can be rejuvenated

Our blood stem cells generate around a thousand billion new blood cells every day. But the blood stem cells' capacity to produce blood changes as we age. This leads to older people being more susceptible to anaemia, lowered ...


Barcodes show the blood family tree

By assigning a barcode to stem cells, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have made it possible to monitor large blood cell populations as well as individual blood cells, and study the changes over time. Among other ...

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