Page 2 - Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

Oncology & Cancer

Deep learning identifies molecular patterns of cancer

A new deep-learning algorithm can quickly and accurately analyze several types of genomic data from colorectal tumors for more accurate classification, which could help improve diagnosis and related treatment options, according ...


Exploring the mechanisms behind swallowing

Sensory cells in the vagus nerve can detect and locate food in the esophagus. Their signals help transport the food onward to the stomach. Signal failure leads to swallowing disorders, say a team led by Carmen Birchmeier ...

Medical research

New therapeutic options for multiple sclerosis in sight

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is known as "the disease with a thousand faces" because symptoms and progression can vary dramatically from patient to patient. But every MS patient has one thing in common: Cells of their body's own ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Understanding lung damage in patients with COVID-19

A severe course of COVID-19 disease is not caused by the direct destruction of the lung due to the multiplication of the virus. As researchers from Berlin report in the journal Nature Communications, inflammatory processes ...


Too much salt suppresses phagocytes

For many of us, adding salt to a meal is a perfectly normal thing to do. We don't really think about it. But actually, we should. As well as raising our blood pressure, too much salt can severely disrupt the energy balance ...


Cholesterol-lowering drugs may slow down metastases

Cancer patients rarely die from the primary tumor, but rather from the metastases—even after successful tumor surgery. This is because cancer cells sometimes spread to other parts of body early in the disease, when the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Nasal vaccine to prevent COVID-19 passes first tests

Coronaviruses spread primarily through the air. When infected people speak, cough, sneeze or laugh, they expel droplets of saliva containing the virus. Other people then breathe in these airborne pathogens and become infected ...

Medical research

Cutting off kidney cancer at its roots

Scientists at the MDC have discovered stem cells responsible for the most common form of kidney cancer. The team of Walter Birchmeier has found a way to block the growth of these tumors in three models of the disease.

Medical research

Strong change of course for muscle research

Anyone who climbs the 285 steps to the viewing platform of Berlin's Siegessäule, or Victory Column, will probably have quite a few sore muscles the next day. Out-of-the-ordinary activities such as climbing lots of steps ...

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