Page 19 - Max Planck Society


How the brain processes sign language

The ability to speak is one of the essential characteristics that distinguishes humans from other animals. Many people would probably intuitively equate speech and language. However, cognitive science research on sign languages ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Artificial intelligence supports medical prognoses

Estimating the risk of patients dying is arguably one of the most difficult and stressful challenges physicians face. This has been especially true in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with doctors around the world ...


How the 'noise' in our brain influences our behavior

The brain's neural activity is irregular, changing from one moment to the next. To date, this apparent "noise" has been thought to be due to random natural variations or measurement error. However, researchers at the Max ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Oxygen deficit makes nerve cells grow

Oxygen deficit, also called hypoxia, in the brain is actually an absolute state of emergency and can permanently damage nerve cells. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that to a certain extent, hypoxia can also be an ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researcher discusses the evolution of the coronavirus

Reports of new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have become more frequent in the last few weeks. Richard Neher researches the evolution of viruses and bacteria at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel. From 2011 ...


A newly discovered circuit helps fish to prioritize

Being constantly flooded by a mass of stimuli, it is impossible for us to react to all of them. The same holds true for a little fish. Which stimuli should it pay attention to and which not? Scientists at the Max Planck Institute ...

Medical research

Why remdesivir does not fully stop the coronavirus

Remdesivir is the first drug against COVID-19 to be conditionally approved in Europe and the United States. The drug is designed to suppress the rapid replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in human cells by blocking the viral ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists identify workflow algorithm to predict psychosis

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, led by Nikolaos Koutsouleris, combined psychiatric assessments with machine-learning models that analyze clinical and biological data. Although psychiatrists make very ...

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