Page 20 - Max Planck Society

Medical research

Cholesterol recycling supports myelin repair

As known from diseases such as arteriosclerosis, cholesterol deposits along blood vessels can be harmful. Similar problems occur in neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Here, defects occur in the regeneration ...


How networks form: Charting the developing brain

How can you build neuronal networks that are more complex than anything known today? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany, have mapped the development of inhibitory neuronal circuitry ...


What social distancing does to a brain

Have you recently wondered how social-distancing and self-isolation may be affecting your brain? An international research team led by Erin Schuman from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research discovered a brain molecule ...


Stable connections between nerve cells are the basis of memory

Memories are part of our lives, the good and the bad. Through our senses, experiences reach our brain where networks of nerve cells encode them into a memory. It was previously unclear why only certain nerve cells join together ...


Seeing depression in the pupil

When people win or lose something, their pupils dilate slightly. Researchers have found that this dilation is less pronounced in acutely depressed patients than in healthy people. The more severely ill the patients were, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19: Calculating aerosol infection risk yourself

An easy-to-use algorithm can now be used to determine the risk of being infected by SARS-CoV-2 via aerosol particles from patients in indoor environments. It also estimates how protective measures such as wearing masks and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Empathy and perspective taking: How social skills are built

Being able to feel empathy and to take in the other person's perspective – these are two abilities through which we understand what is going on in the other person's mind. Although both terms are in constant circulation, ...

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