Page 25 - Max Planck Society

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young migrants at risk of mental illness

War, torture, human trafficking and extreme poverty are just some of the appalling experiences to which refugees are exposed, both before and during their flight. Experiences such as these put those affected at risk of mental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using self-nudging to make better choices

Despite our better knowledge, we often make choices that aren't good for us—and feel bad about it later. But it's possible to strengthen our self-control by making simple changes to our environment. Researchers from the ...


New approach to curing HIV using novel gene and cell method

Hamburg-based researchers are seeking to improve future treatment of HIV patients using a new gene and cell method. Under the umbrella of Hamburg biotech startup Provirex, they are developing a new therapeutic approach that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the heart affects our perception

The heart and brain communicate constantly. For example, when encountering a dangerous situation, signals from the brain ensure that the heart beats faster. When relaxing, the heart slows down. Interestingly, the heartbeat ...


Specialised nerve cells increase the appetite for high-fat foods

High-calorie, energy-dense foods are constantly available in our modern society. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne have discovered that a group of nerve cells in the brains of mice ...


Treatments for coronavirus: Repurposing existing drugs

Why develop new drugs to combat the replication of the coronavirus if existing approved substances could do the same thing? Repurposing drugs in this fashion could offer a faster remedy against pathogens that have as yet ...


Babies retain even detailed events during a nap

The brain is permanently exposed to new impressions. Even when sleeping, it does not rest and processes recent experiences. In very early childhood, it has been thought that sleep primarily promotes semantic memory. This ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Project crowdsources sidelined scientists for COVID-19 research

Daniel Calovi, a postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Animal Behavior at the department Collectve Behavior of Iain Couzin, is a co-founder of the project "crowdfight COVID-19." The website, a service for COVID-19 researchers, ...

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