Page 3 - New York- Presbyterian Hospital

Psychology & Psychiatry

All grown up and gone for good? Advice on empty-nest syndrome

(Medical Xpress)—Your high school graduate is off to college to embark on a newly independent life. But they're not the only one making a transition: parents too face emotional and lifestyle adjustments. With advice on ...

Oncology & Cancer

Doctors can now detect hard-to-diagnose prostate cancer

Researchers have successfully developed and tested a new prostate cancer screening method that uses the combined power of a novel drug therapy and changes in PSA levels over time to identify men with a high PSA who are more ...

Medical research

Hidden vitamin in milk yields remarkable health benefits

A novel form of vitamin B3 found in milk in small quantities produces remarkable health benefits in mice when high doses are administered, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College ...

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