Page 13 - Northwestern University


Placebo sweet spot for pain relief found in brain

Scientists have identified for the first time the region in the brain responsible for the "placebo effect" in pain relief, when a fake treatment actually results in substantial reduction of pain, according to new research ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer amyloid clumps found in young adult brains

Amyloid—an abnormal protein whose accumulation in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease—starts accumulating inside neurons of people as young as 20, a much younger age than scientists ever imagined, reports a ...

Medical research

Circadian clock controls insulin and blood sugar in pancreas

A new Northwestern Medicine study has pinpointed thousands of genetic pathways an internal body clock takes to dictate how and when our pancreas must produce insulin and control blood sugar, findings that could eventually ...


Activity in dendrites is critical in memory formation

Why do we remember some things and not others? In a unique imaging study, two Northwestern University researchers have discovered how neurons in the brain might allow some experiences to be remembered while others are forgotten. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists discover treatment target for pulmonary fibrosis

In new research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Northwestern Medicine scientists have demonstrated that a unique population of immune cells plays a key role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis. They ...

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