Page 5 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


Scientists illuminate mechanism at play in learning

The process we call learning is in fact a well-orchestrated symphony of thousands of molecular reactions, but the exact interplay between these reactions remains largely unknown. Now, researchers at the Okinawa Institute ...

Attention deficit disorders

'Are we there yet?'—explaining ADHD science to children

Science is often complex, but it does not mean that only a select few should be able to grasp scientific concepts. Many recent efforts have been directed toward involving the public in the scientific process and broadening ...

Oncology & Cancer

A unique amino acid for brain cancer therapy

Photodynamic therapy is often used to treat brain tumors because of its specificity—it can target very small regions containing cancerous cells while sparing the normal cells around it from damage. It works by injecting ...


Rules of the neural roads: Traffic control in your synapses

While the mechanism of transmission of information at the contact point between two neurons—the famous synapse—has been thoroughly studied, the transportation of this information within the terminal end of the neuron, ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New mechanism behind Parkinson's disease revealed

Parkinson's disease is a debilitating neurological illness that affects approximately 10 million people worldwide. It is marked by a progressive decline in physical function, the most iconic being uncontrollable tremors, ...


Unmasking rogue cells in the immune system

The immune system is a formidable defense against microbial intruders, identifying and eliminating threats through an extremely intricate and adaptable network of specialized cells. However, a system of such deep complexity ...


Fish eyes to help understand human inherited blindness

Newborns babies can be at risk of congenital blindness, presenting sight defects due to lesions or to genetic mutations in their genome. Among the latter, Leber Congenital Amaurosis—or LCA—is one of the most widespread ...

Oncology & Cancer

New mechanobiology technique to stop cancer cell migration

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate university (OIST) have developed a novel technique that stops cervical cancer cell migration. The research, published in Chem could open up new avenues ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fission yeast may be used to find the next cancer cure

Cancer is a notoriously difficult disease to treat. Not only do a wide variety of cancers exist, requiring specialized treatments for each type, but cancer cells within an individual can morph and render previously potent ...

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