Page 4 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers identify three sub-types of depression

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression and these rates are on the rise. Yet, doctors and scientists have a poor understanding of what causes this debilitating ...

Oncology & Cancer

Anti-cancer virus fits tumor receptor like a 'key in a lock'

Seneca Valley virus sounds like the last bug you'd want to catch, but it could be the next breakthrough cancer therapy. Now, scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) and the University of Otago ...

Medical research

Cellular 'tuning mechanism' builds elegant eyes

How different cells in a multicellular organism acquire their identities remains a fundamental mystery of development. In the eye, for example, the lens contains two cell types—lens epithelial cells and lens fiber cells—the ...


Watching neurons in action

Capturing the activity of neurons in the form of electric impulses isn't easy. Information processing happens on different time scales and involves quick changes in voltage, ion concentrations and multiple signaling molecules. ...


Upgrade for virtual brain cell

For researchers, making predictions about the outcome of an experiment requires close observation of available data. But in neurobiology, making accurate observations is hampered by the difficulty of measuring the individual ...


Serotonin and confidence underlie patience in new study

People usually have the ability to put aside the desire for immediate gratification in anticipation of something good. But this isn't just a human trait—a new study shows that mice can be patient, too, revealing a link ...


Scientists illuminate mechanism at play in learning

The process we call learning is in fact a well-orchestrated symphony of thousands of molecular reactions, but the exact interplay between these reactions remains largely unknown. Now, researchers at the Okinawa Institute ...

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