Page 7 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


Culturing the connectome

Mapping the human brain's network of interconnections, known as the connectome is typically done with help from computational tools because recreating interconnections between different brain regions has been challenging ...


Dark neural patches in the neostriatum

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University's Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour Unit have found a surprise upon mapping the precise connectivity inside a brain structure called the neostriatum. ...


Tackling neurotransmission precision

Behind all motor, sensory and memory functions, calcium ions are in the brain, making those functions possible. Yet neuroscientists do not entirely understand how fast calcium ions reach their targets inside neurons, and ...


Readying the neural network

Synapse, the name for the signal-receiving site on a neuron, comes from the Greek word for contact. Neuroscientists used to maintain that neurons form one-to-one relationship to contact one another. Yet more researchers are ...


Back to basics

In an article published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University's Professor Robert Sinclair, he suggests that there still is a place in science in modern ...


Using computers to model our computer, the brain

The human brain is the most complex computer in existence. Understanding how it works has been a scientific endeavor for centuries. However, technology has only recently advanced to the point where we can really understand ...

Medical research

Using femtosecond lasers to administer drugs

Combining physics and neurobiology to tackle Parkinson's Disease is research "I would never have been able to do outside of OIST," says Professor Keshav Dani. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University's ...

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