Page 7 - Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


Using computers to model our computer, the brain

The human brain is the most complex computer in existence. Understanding how it works has been a scientific endeavor for centuries. However, technology has only recently advanced to the point where we can really understand ...

Medical research

Using femtosecond lasers to administer drugs

Combining physics and neurobiology to tackle Parkinson's Disease is research "I would never have been able to do outside of OIST," says Professor Keshav Dani. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University's ...

Medical research

A step toward clarification of the mechanisms of osteoporosis

In the bones supporting our bodies, calcium regulation occurs by balancing the activities of osteoclasts, which are groups of cells that increase the calcium concentration in blood by destroying bone tissue, and osteoblasts, ...


Dark neural patches in the neostriatum

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University's Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour Unit have found a surprise upon mapping the precise connectivity inside a brain structure called the neostriatum. ...


Study reveals journey of immune cells in developing zebrafish

Microglia, the immune cells of the brain, form the first line of defense against neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries. They maintain brain homeostasis, the stable condition necessary for survival, by acting ...

Oncology & Cancer

New mechanobiology technique to stop cancer cell migration

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate university (OIST) have developed a novel technique that stops cervical cancer cell migration. The research, published in Chem could open up new avenues ...

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