Page 2 - Osaka University

Oncology & Cancer

Antibiotics reveal a new way to fight cancer

Cancer cells grow and spread by hiding from the body's immune system. Immunotherapy allows the immune system to find and attack hidden cancer cells, helping cancer patients live longer lives. However, many patients get little ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Improving social symptoms of depression with a common anesthetic

In a recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry, researchers from Osaka University have used a mouse model of depression to reveal that one form of ketamine (a common anesthetic) in low doses can improve social impairments ...


Gargling away the 'bad' bacteria in type 2 diabetes

There is growing evidence that ongoing inflammation in the mouth, such as that seen in gum disease, in addition to causing bad breath is associated with serious diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or type 2 diabetes. Now, ...


A new targeted treatment calms the cytokine storm

Cytokines are chemical messengers that help the body get rid of invading bacteria and viruses, and control inflammation. The body carefully balances cytokines because they help keep the immune system healthy. However, this ...

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