Page 13 - University of Oxford

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic mapping of tumors reveals how cancers grow

Understanding which cells give rise to which areas of cancer can improve our understanding of how a tumor has grown and developed, including how it has changed genetically over time. This has been made possible using a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tackling suicide risk in people with mental disorders

Clinical researchers from Oxford University's Department of Psychiatry and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, together with colleagues from elsewhere, have developed guidance to help clinicians identify and treat patients ...


Gene variant links trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome

A new NDORMS study, published in The Lancet Rheumatology, has found a genetic variant that increases the risk of both carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger, and opens the door for new therapies that involve blocking the ...


New study evaluates pharmacological treatment for insomnia

Two drugs, eszopiclone and lemborexant—both not currently licensed for the treatment of insomnia in the UK—were shown to perform better than others, both in the acute and long-term treatment of insomnia in adults, according ...

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