Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Guiding vaccine development with machine learning

From tackling homework challenges to drafting emails, people are discovering a vast array of applications for natural language processing tools like generative artificial intelligence (AI) engines.

Medical research

E-cigarettes stress lungs, impair protein function

E-cigarettes stress and inflame the lungs of rats, compromising important regulatory proteins through exposure, according to research recently published in the journal Redox Biology. The findings, made possible by a biomolecular ...

Medical research

Study breathes understanding into plutonium-nitrate effects

A study led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) scientists offers new insights into the retention of plutonium-nitrate in the lungs-as well as clues as to the cellular processes and structural changes that might ...

Medical research

Tackling infectious disease – one protein at a time

Garry Buchko and his colleagues are at the front line battling some of the most fearsome enemies that humanity has ever known: Tuberculosis. Pneumonia. Ebola. Plague. Botulism.

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