Page 15 - Purdue University

Psychology & Psychiatry

Money only buys happiness for a certain amount

There is an optimal point to how much money it takes to make an individual happy, and that amount varies worldwide, according to research from Purdue University.

Oncology & Cancer

Research suggests new tool for cancer treatment based on cell type

A new tumor model has been shown to predict how certain types of cancer cells react differently to a commonly used chemotherapy drug, a potential tool for "precision medicine," in which drug treatment is tailored to individual ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When dads play favorites, the kids know

(Medical Xpress)—Sibling Baby Boomers are likely to be more bothered by their fathers' favoring one over another than by their mothers' doing so, reports a new Purdue University study.


Swimming pool urine combines with chlorine to pose health risks

A new study shows how uric acid in urine generates potentially hazardous "volatile disinfection byproducts" in swimming pools by interacting with chlorine, and researchers are advising swimmers to observe "improved hygiene ...

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