Page 2 - Radboud University Nijmegen


Brain fills gaps to produce a likely picture

Researchers at Radboud University use visual illusions to demonstrate to what extent the brain interprets visual signals. They were surprised to discover that active interpretation occurs early on in signal processing. In ...


Connectivity of language areas unique in the human brain

Neuroscientists have gained new insight into how our brain evolved into a language-ready brain. Compared to chimpanzee brains, the pattern of connections of language areas in our brain has expanded more than previously thought. ...


Who learns from the carrot, and who from the stick?

To flexibly deal with our ever-changing world, we need to learn from both the negative and positive consequences of our behaviour. In other words, from punishment and reward. Hanneke den Ouden from the Donders Institute in ...


New view on the brain: It's all in the connections

It's not the individual brain regions but rather their connections that matter. Neuroscientists propose a new model of how the brain works. This new view enables us to understand better why and how our brains vary between ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Paedophiles identified accurately with implicit association tasks

A combination of two tasks for implied sexual associations has distinguished – with more than 90 per cent certainty – a group of paedophilic men from a group of men with a sexual preference for adult women. In the long ...


Learning how to listen with neurofeedback

When listening to music or learning a new language, auditory perceptual learning occurs: a process in which your recognition of specific sounds improves, making you more efficient in processing and interpreting them. Neuroscientist ...


Brain signals transformed into speech through implants and AI

Researchers from Radboud University and the UMC Utrecht have succeeded in transforming brain signals into audible speech. By decoding signals from the brain through a combination of implants and AI, they were able to predict ...


How the brain builds on prior knowledge

It is easier to learn something new if you can link it to something you already know. A specific part of the brain appears to be involved in this process: the medial prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience ...

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