Page 19 - RIKEN

Medical research

Awaiting orders to retaliate

(Medical Xpress) -- When immune system B cells are alerted to the presence of a threat within the body, they form structures called germinal centers, which serve as ad hoc headquarters for marshaling a targeted immune response. ...

Medical research

Mutations, CRISPR, and the biology behind movement disorders

Scientists at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan have discovered how mutations related to a group of movement disorders produce their effects. Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the ...


Brain waves in mice change based on memory age

Researchers have discovered signatures in brain activity that allow them to tell old and new memories apart. A team at Japan's RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) analyzed recordings from mouse brains using a machine-leaning ...


Pinpointing asthma susceptibility in Japanese adults

A team of geneticists has identified five specific gene regions associated with asthma susceptibility among Japanese adults. Mayumi Tamari of the RIKEN Center for Genomic Medicine, Yokohama, led the research.


Fish courtship pheromone uses the brain's smell pathway

Research at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan has revealed that a molecule involved in fish reproduction activates the brain via the nose. The pheromone is released by female zebrafish and sensed by smell receptors ...

Oncology & Cancer

Giving tumor vaccines a proper introduction

Given how effectively the immune system can eliminate foreign threats such bacteria and viruses, hopes are high for the development of strategies that might turn these same defense mechanisms against cancerous targets. However, ...


Hippocampus uses dual pathways for memory storage

The mechanism by which our brains record events in stereo—with one channel recording details and another recording general impressions—has been elicited by two RIKEN neuroscientists.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

The benefits of a spotless mind

Alzheimer's disease is an age-related memory disorder characterized by the accumulation of clumps of the toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) protein fragment in the extracellular space around neurons in the brain. Drugs that help to 'clean ...

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