Page 25 - RIKEN

Medical research

Striking the right balance with muscle control

The central nervous system (CNS) comprises the brain and spinal cord, and coordinates all our bodily activities. One of the functions of the CNS is to choose the most efficient muscle movements in order to conserve energy ...


Constructing odor objects in the brain

A research team led by Hokto Kazama at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan has combined brain imaging and models of brain activity to explain how smells can be generalized into categories. The team examined ...

Medical research

Insights into a rare genetic disease

Recently, a grassroots effort initiated by families and clinicians led to the discovery of a human genetic disorder with severe consequences that is linked to a mutation in the human NGLY1 gene. In a big step towards understanding ...


Visualizing a memory trace

In mammals, a neural pathway called the cortico-basal ganglia circuit is thought to play an important role in the choice of behaviors. However, where and how behavioral programs are written, stored and read out as a memory ...

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