Page 28 - RIKEN

Medical research

Retinoic acid gradient visualized for the first time in an embryo

In a ground-breaking study, researchers from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan report a new technique that allows them to visualize the distribution of retinoic acid in a live zebrafish embryo, in real-time. This ...


A new window into macaque brain connections

Researchers can now see how the two sides of the living brain mirror each other thanks to a new combination-imaging technique. The method dubbed "opto-OISI" takes advantage of rapidly developing high-resolution optical technologies ...


Real X-ray vision: See-through brains ready for study

Researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan have developed a new technique for creating transparent tissue that can be used to illuminate 3D brain anatomy at very high resolutions. Published in Nature Neuroscience, ...


How the immune system becomes overactivated in old age

The lack of a key signaling molecule in certain immune cells can induce various age-related diseases in young mice, RIKEN researchers have shown. This finding eventually could help to develop new treatments for age-related ...


Stinky or fragrant? Predicting changing odor preferences

Pleasant and unpleasant odors are a part of everyone's life, but how do our reactions to smells change when other odors are present? To answer this question, researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan have ...

Medical research

New mouse model mimics earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease

Drug hunters hoping to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease take note—a new mouse model developed at RIKEN offers a powerful platform for evaluating potential therapies designed to combat the neurodegenerative ...

Inflammatory disorders

Fighting asthma drug resistance

Current asthma treatments include drugs that open up the tubes of the lungs and corticosteroids that fight lung inflammation. Some patients, however, are stubbornly resistant to corticosteroids, limiting the therapies available ...

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