Page 4 - Saint Louis University

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Menstrual hygiene needs unmet for low-income women

While access to menstrual hygiene products has been garnering attention in the developing world, low-income women and girls in major U.S. metropolitan areas also struggle to afford period supplies and often resort to making ...


Is surgery the best option for penetrating kidney trauma?

Trauma is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide, and recent studies suggest that 16 percent of renal (kidney) trauma occurs from a penetrating injury, such as a gunshot wound, stabbing or piercing injury from a car accident.


In laboratory, scientist turns off chemo pain

In a recent paper published in the journal Pain, Saint Louis University researchers describe their success in an animal model in turning off the excruciating pain that often accompanies a colorectal cancer drug.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chlorinated lipids predict lung injury and death in sepsis patients

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, Saint Louis University scientists have found that elevated levels of chlorinated lipids are linked to sepsis, lung injury and death. The finding may offer ...

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