Page 10 - Technical University Munich

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Direct toxic action of beta-amyloid identified

Hyperactive neurons in specific areas of the brain are believed to be an early perturbation in Alzheimer's disease. For the first time, a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) was able to explain the reasons ...


Perception disorders may throw those affected off balance

Many patients with functional dizziness look back on a long odyssey to numerous doctors, because no organic causes could be found. Now for the first time, an experiment at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has identified ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Vaccinations not a risk factor for multiple sclerosis

Data from over 12,000 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients formed the basis of a study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) which investigated the population's vaccination behavior in relation to MS. It showed that five ...


Atrial fibrillation: New marker for atrial damage discovered

Atrial fibrillation is a common abnormal heart rhythm. It is treated either with medications or by applying heat or extreme cold to destroy small specific tissue areas in the atrium. This inevitably causes small wounds. A ...

Medical research

Molecular switch for 'exhaustion mode' of immune cells discovered

Tumors and certain viral infections pose a challenge to the human body which the immune system typically fails to handle. In these diseases it switches to a hypofunctional state that prevents adequate protection. However, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pollen allergies occur more frequently in anxiety sufferers

Seasonal allergies to different types of grass or tree pollen are more common in people with anxiety disorders, while patients with depression are more likely to suffer from perennial allergies triggered by allergens such ...

Medical research

How molecular escorts help prevent cancer

The anti-tumor protein p53 can decide on the life or death of a cell: If it detects damage in the cell's genome, the protein pushes the cell to suicide. New research conducted at Technical University of Munich (TUM) shows ...

Medical research

Robot therapists need rules

Interactions with artificial intelligence (AI) will become an increasingly common aspect of our lives. A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now completed the first study of how "embodied AI" can help treat ...

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