Page 12 - University of Adelaide

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smartphone app analyzes speech patterns to predict depression

Developed by a team led by Vishal Rana in Adelaide, South Australia, the Watchyourtalk app is a SaaS-based platform which runs in the background to a user's usual smartphone activity and collects data surrounding their word ...


Diabetes medications masking surgical complication

A new class of diabetes medications is masking the potentially dangerous condition of ketoacidosis at the time of surgery. Testing for acid load in the blood of diabetes sufferers who are taking gliflozin medications is needed ...


Root canal work not so bad after all

Root canal work is not as bad as people think when compared to other dental procedures. Self-reporting of their dental health suggests that patients find the procedure no worse than other dental work which overturns the popular ...

Medical research

Target found to arrest cancer growth

Adelaide researchers are homing in on a new treatment target for the aggressive blood cancer multiple myeloma.


How mutations lead to neurodegenerative disease

Scientists have discovered how mutations in DNA can cause neurodegenerative disease. The discovery is an important step towards better treatment to slow the progression or delay onset in a range of incurable diseases such ...

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