Page 13 - University of Adelaide


Australian doctors overprescribing flu antivirals

Australian doctors are prescribing antivirals for people with the flu who may not benefit, putting patients at risk of unnecessary side effects and potentially increasing the risk of antimicrobial resistance to these medications, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Dementia rates fall in Australia ahead of expected surge

Dementia rates among older Australians are falling, sparking suggestions that measures aimed at improving the physical health of older people may also be having positive cognitive effects.


Heatwave misperceptions lead to danger

South Australians don't see heatwaves as serious events and warnings do little more than 'trigger' common-sense behaviours like turning on the air-conditioner, new research from the University of Adelaide shows.


Orthodontics no guarantee of long-term oral health

A commonly held belief among the general public is orthodontic treatment will prevent future tooth decay. Research undertaken at the University of Adelaide has found that this is not the case.


Poor sleep and heart-related death

Elderly men who experience extended episodes of interrupted breathing while asleep have a high risk of heart problems. Research shows for the first time that poor blood oxygenation is a good indicator of the chance of heart-related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Binge eating and smoking linked to bullying and sexual abuse

People who ever suffered bullying or sexual abuse have a lower quality of life similar to those living with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression or severe anxiety, a new study from the University of ...

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