Page 17 - University of Alberta

Psychology & Psychiatry

Too much tech use can cut into couple time, study shows

Sneaking peeks at your phone or doodling on your tablet, even just a little bit, may hurt your couple time, according to a new collaborative study involving the University of Alberta.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers probe new target for potential drugs against COVID-19

New research has identified a part of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that can be targeted by drugs that prevent the virus from replicating—a key step for developing new and more effective drug treatments.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

What you need to know about menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, "brain fog," joint pain, insomnia, and weight gain. Most women in their late 40s and 50s will immediately recognize the symptoms of menopause. While up to 80 percent of menopausal women will experience ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Longer bereavement leave needed for employees, study finds

It takes months, even years to recover from the grief of losing a loved one, and Canadian legislation and workplaces need to start recognizing that, says a University of Alberta researcher.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to handle digital overload

It didn't take long for Rylee Sargeant to start feeling tired and headachy after she, like everyone else, was forced to work remotely when the pandemic struck in March.

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