Page 16 - University of Alberta

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Caregiving can last for decades, new research shows

To most people, "caregiving" means looking after ailing relatives in their final years. But the reality is much different, with the actual workload lasting up to 30 years for some, according to University of Alberta research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 has changed psychiatry forever, researchers say

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that treatments for psychiatric ailments are as essential to maintain during a public health crisis as those for conditions such as cancer and renal failure, according to an editorial penned ...

Health informatics

Researcher creates rating system for mobile health apps

With more than 300,000 mobile health apps available, it's tough to know which ones are best, but a University of Alberta researcher has developed a way to help sort through the tangle.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Too much tech use can cut into couple time, study shows

Sneaking peeks at your phone or doodling on your tablet, even just a little bit, may hurt your couple time, according to a new collaborative study involving the University of Alberta.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers probe new target for potential drugs against COVID-19

New research has identified a part of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that can be targeted by drugs that prevent the virus from replicating—a key step for developing new and more effective drug treatments.

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