Page 10 - University of Cincinnati

Oncology & Cancer

Advancing our view at the subcellular level

In the field of scientific research, details matter. The minutia of processes and structures are explained with specificity, data points are reported to the most precise decimal and seeing is believing.


Digging deeper into cannabis use disorder

Earlier this month, Mississippi became the 37th state to legalize medical marijuana, while 27 states have already decriminalized cannabis use for personal consumption.


Examining the racist origins of United States drug policies

In his work as a pain management pharmacist, Dan Arendt has seen some of his patients stigmatized as "drug seekers" or blamed for their use of opioids rather than being acknowledged as a person who is suffering from a severely ...


A pioneering stroke treatment

For decades, University of Cincinnati researchers have been pioneers in the field of stroke research.

Oncology & Cancer

Breaking down cancer's defenses with bacteria

Bacteria generally have a bad reputation, as people first think of certain strains that can cause serious illnesses like pneumonia or meningitis. However, there are many helpful bacteria, known as probiotics, that assist ...

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