Page 3 - University of Cologne


How a protein controls the production of nerve cells in the brain

By investigating changes in the metabolic profile of neural stem cells, a research team led by Professor Dr. Matteo Bergami from the CECAD Cluster of Excellence for Aging Research at the University of Cologne discovered that ...


Fungus from the intestinal mucosa can affect lung health

Writing in the journal Cell, a research team from Cologne and Kiel describes the mechanism of immune cross-reactivity. The immune system's reaction to Candida albicans in the intestine seems to amplify pathogenic immune processes ...

Medical research

The link between protein aggregation and aging

Not only does our way of life determine how long we live but so too does our genetic material. Of particular importance here is a genetic program that is controlled by the insulin receptor. A team of researchers from the ...


New, highly precise 'clock' can measure biological age

Using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers at the University of Cologne have developed an 'aging clock' that reads the biological age of an organism directly from its gene expression, the transcriptome. ...


Insights into a versatile molecular death switch

The enzyme caspase-8 induces a molecular cell death programme called pyroptosis without involving its enzymatic activity, a new study by Hamid Kashkar published in Nature shows. In order to safeguard healthy and functioning ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers explain the link between language and emotions

A team of researchers headed by the Erfurt-based psychologist Prof. Ralf Rummer and the Cologne-based phoneticist Prof. Martine Grice has carried out some ground-breaking experiments to uncover the links between language ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Defining a new approach to treating Parkinson's disease

An international research team including scientists from the University of Cologne have identified a new mechanism for the development of Parkinson's disease, which could prove to be the starting point for the development ...

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