University of Cologne

The University of Cologne (German Universität zu Köln) is one of the oldest universities in Europe and, with 38,000 students and 4,000 postgraduates, one of the largest universities in Germany. It is furthermore the German founding member of the Community of European Management Schools and International Companies (CEMS). Since 2012 the university is regularly called an elite university in all kinds of German media because the university's overall concept was awarded in the German Universities Excellence Initiative.

Cologne, NRW, Germany

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Medical research

Cold is beneficial for healthy aging, finds new study

Cold activates a cellular cleansing mechanism that breaks down harmful protein aggregations responsible for various diseases associated with aging. In recent years, studies on different model organisms have already shown ...


One dose of alcohol is enough to modify the brain

A research team from the University of Cologne and the Universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg has found that even the single administration of alcohol permanently alters the morphology of neurons. In particular, the structure ...


Diabetes: new hope for better wound healing

A sluggish insulin metabolism results in the slow and incomplete healing of injuries. That is why diabetics often have to contend with wounds that heal poorly. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, ...

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