Page 6 - University of Cologne

Psychology & Psychiatry

Co-workers can influence healthy eating choices

Scientists from Cologne and Utrecht have found that employees are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables as well as engage in physical activity when their colleagues encourage a healthy lifestyle. Also, employees' healthy ...

Medical economics

What motivates high-quality medical care: Is it all about money?

In many economics sectors, financial incentives are considered an effective means of motivating both employees and managers to deliver top performance. Incentives—and their counterpart, financial disincentives, in particular—are ...


New insights on how pathogens escape the immune system

The bacterium Salmonella enterica causes gastroenteritis in humans and is one of the leading causes of food-borne infectious diseases. During the infection, the germ is able to trick the immune system. Researchers led by ...

Radiology & Imaging

Gold makes invisible surfaces visible in CT

Today, the three-dimensional visualization and analysis of biological samples using computer tomography (CT) is a routine procedure. However, in the past, it was very difficult to visualize the fine surface details of many ...


How gamblers plan their actions to maximize rewards

In their pursuit of maximum reward, people suffering from gambling disorder rely less on exploring new but potentially better strategies, and more on proven courses of action that have already led to success in the past. ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Living with the risk of Alzheimer's disease

What are the expectations of persons who decide to have their risk of Alzheimer's Disease tested? What should doctors pay attention to when ascertaining individual risks? What is the benefit of risk determination for patients ...

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