Page 3 - University of Münster


Glial cells play an active role in the nervous system

For the brain to work efficiently, it is important that a nerve impulse arrives at its destination as quickly and as precisely as possible. It has been long been known that nerve fibers—also known as axons—pass on these ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists pinpoint psychological factors of refugee integration

Due to border closures in the wake of the corona crisis, the arrival of refugees in Europe has temporarily dipped. However, worldwide numbers of refugees have surged, again, within a year, driven by violence, war, persecution, ...

Medical research

Researchers identify 'hot spots' for developing lymphatic vessels

When an embryo develops, a wide variety of proteins and enzymes trigger a series of biochemical reactions. The development of the lymphatic vasculature is crucially dependent on one specific protein—the growth factor VEGF-C. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Health forums: Style of language influences credibility and trust

More and more, people are using internet forums as the first place to look for information on health issues. However, the scientific medical information being provided there is often so complex that laypeople are barely able ...


Restricting unwanted immune reactions

The immune system often initiates its response to pathogens by activating immune cells, so-called phagocytes, which migrate to sites of inflammation. There, the phagocytes release certain proteins, including the S100A8/S100A9 ...


Observing inflammatory cells in the body

The process of inflammation is complex. The main role is played by immune cells migrating from the blood into the tissue to fight the inflammation. If too many of these cells are active, however, they can just as easily cause ...

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