Page 6 - University of Notre Dame

Medical research

Researchers make neurological disease breakthrough

(Medical Xpress) -- Results of a study by a group of University of Notre Dame researchers represent a promising step on the road to developing new drugs for a variety of neurological diseases.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Novel method combats malaria drug resistance

Researchers from the University of Notre Dame's Eck Institute for Global Health developed a "gene chip" to contribute to the identification of malaria drug resistance, an effort that will allow for real-time response in modified ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can changing our views on death improve how we live our lives?

Life is not possible without death and yet, modern medicine has waged an unending war against death. Now, a Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) residential fellow is exploring how the concept of kenosis might ...

Oncology & Cancer

Developing an on-off switch for breast cancer treatment

T-cells play an important role in the body's immune system, and one of their tasks is to find and destroy infection. However, T-cells struggle to identify solid, cancerous tumors in the body. A current cancer therapy is using ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells mediate immune suppression in the brain

Scientists have long believed that the brain protects itself from an aggressive immune response to keep down inflammation. However, that evolutionary control may work against it when a cancer cell attempts to spread to the ...


Researchers gain new insights into brain neuronal networks

A paper published in a special edition of the journal Science proposes a novel understanding of brain architecture using a network representation of connections within the primate cortex. Zoltán Toroczkai, professor of physics ...

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