Page 2 - University of Oslo


Too much vitamin B can cause hip fracture

Many healthy individuals take high doses of vitamin B supplements. They take them to be on the safe side, thinking that it must be good for their health. The scope of this varies greatly from country to country. It is not ...

Oncology & Cancer

13 special genes linked to epigenetic changes in cancer samples

Reducing the burden of cancer in individuals and society is a major area of concern globally. In Norway, by the end of 2020, 35,515 people were newly diagnosed with cancer and more than 300,000 people were already living ...


Your mind wanders because your brain whispers

You are sitting in a meeting at work and your mind starts to wander to another place. Suddenly, you realize that the person leading the meeting has asked you a question that you have not heard. Why does this happen?


Mathematics to reveal the secrets of the brain

Ten years ago, when the team of Marianne Fyhn and Torkel Hafting Fyhn cooperated with the Nobel Prize winning team of May-Britt and Edvard Moser at NTNU, they discovered the sense of orientation in the brain.

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