University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) was founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin and is the oldest private university in the United States. Today, Penn has nearly 20,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Ben Franklin was influenced by the European model for a multi-discipline approach in higher education. Penn is noted for the Wharton School of Business, Annenberg School for Communication, School of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, School of Design and School of Engineering and Applied Science. Penn is ranked alongside Cal Tech for its selective admissions and quality of undergraduate students.

Office of University Communications, 200 Sansom Place East, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106.

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New insights on cellular clones and inflammation in bones

As humans age, hematopoietic stem cells—the immature precursor cells that give rise to all blood and immune cells—accumulate mutations. Some of the mutations allow these stem cells to self-renew and expand more effectively ...

Medical research

The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression

People who regularly eat fish or take fish oil supplements are getting omega-3 fatty acids, which play a critical role in brain function. Research has long shown a basis in the brain for aggressive and violent behavior, and ...

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